¡¿Tú, tf ?!
means “trade for”
it’s an inclusive collab community that gives our members access to discounts & perks while also creating spaces for our participants to connect to like minds & inspiring creatives to control their narrative & find ways to trade barter & create!
We focus on the uniquely abled & their allies!
TF?! | #getmoney creative contest
we are excited to announce the very first #getmoney creative contest grant. we are providing the winning applicant with upto 1,000.00 usd based on their described need & usage of funds. during a climate that is shifting into a more expressive, and prideful time, we want to supplement our advocacy by adding value directly to the special communities & their allies.
to create account & apply, here
as a supplement to our annual autism event, our meetups and our discussions, we want to help usher in newer businesses on their journey to success as often and as best as we can.
this application is open to all creatives in all industries as long as they identify as being an ally to the disability community or assign as someone who is a survivor, warrior, or diverse/alt normative person. this includes but not limited to amputees, those with deficiencies, deformities, ailments, neuro-diversities, complexities and their allies. make sure to read our criteria in detail here. for answered faqs on this contest please check here.
-must be 16 years or older to apply. all minors must have a guardian fill out application and submit it on their behalf or get a consent slip before accepting of funds.
-must live in the united states of america or have a business they own and /or operate within the united states.
-must have an online presence.
-follow the respective handles.
how to:
-create an account
to create an account go to "extra" tab and click "getmoney contest" or go to top of page and clck the "key-in" button. put in verification code. go back to portion of site that says "extra getmoney" tab.
-fill out application form
-submit form & get a thank you note.
- optional- create a vid & post on your pltfrm with hashtag #tfgetmoney.
*those videos will have their corresponding applications seen first.
please note: submitting an application does not guarantee an awarded amount. winners will be notified. all applicants will get feedback. all applications will be held for future reviews as we may award more than one business at our own discretion. we do not and will not discriminate racially, nor by class or creed. we have no other affiliations other than the small business we have outlined as additional sponsors supplying added rewards. applications open between
nov. 2022 and jan. 2023. asking any voting committee member, or any sponsor to select you is discouraged and may result in void of application.
only one application permitted per person/entity. example: ker may have 6 businesses, ker can only apply with one application for one business. entity may have 2 sub companies, only that one entity or its sub company can enter. if stacey applies on behalf of one of her companies, and has 12 co-founding members or chairs, neither one of stacey's employees nor other co-founding members can apply on behalf of stacey's other companies.
setting up a free account to apply does not make the applicant a premium member, and will not give a premium benefit. to receive consultations, stickers, discounts, and qrcodes, user has to become a premium member.