its moviemagic but today we are talking about a reality tv show! we are talking about who's house????? ms. debs house! or as i should say, mizz A's house!
we love to see it, because people love mz. debs honesty when it comes to artist awareness.
so here we have it, allblk network has given, drumroll please the manager of rap star gucci mane, the mother of mogul waka flocka and the media groomer/master of nicki minaj, deb antney, her own rap sitcom! where she and a few other guest judges, helpa group of young aspiring rap stars land a mega deal, win prizes and more! .
the girls have been revealing their traumas and hurdles to reshape their new mindsets for the entertainment industry. rooted in self care, self love, being your most honest self and leaning in to adaptive art, the competitors are in the house learning what it really takes. with guest judges like ttorez and activities that require them to take off their mask. we are seeing some of these beautiful girls change right before our eyes while watching the allblktv show. ms.deb doesn't miss when it comes to transforming girls into young ladies. our faves so far have to be hot chok, with honorable mentions being billboardbaby for her sheer will to manipulate lol gotta love the effort and energy of these young girls!